Monday, May 6, 2013

Rain, taxis, beaches, training and iphones

Woo sorry it has taken me so long to post anything! I have been so crazy busy since I got here last week I have barely even had time to sleep.  I'll just start from the beginning of my trip and try not to make this post too long. So I flew out of Seattle on Thursday evening after a wonderful breakfast with my parents and a short flight from my local airport to Seattle. After a short layover filled with phone calls to family, I boarded my plane and was off to Dubai! I introduced myself to the cabin crew and said I was a new joiner and they were so lovely. They made the 14 hour flight much better by showing me around business and first class and spoiling me with tons of chocolates, espresso, tea and some wine. They also answered any questions and concerns I had about joining and they definitely helped calm my nerves since I was suddenly hit with thoughts of "OMG I am moving halfway across the world where I don't know anybody, I have no idea what I'm getting myself into and I have never lived on my own, what am I doing?!"

Once I arrived at my accommodation Friday evening I met my roommate who is a fellow American and she gave me a ton of helpful advice (and thank goodness she already had wifi set up!!). After a little unpacking I went to sleep and woke up on Saturday and headed to the Dubai mall to wander around and see a little more of Dubai. I was totally shocked when it was raining that morning and it continued to rain for the rest of the week...definitely not the hot desert weather I had heard so much about. The Dubai Mall is absolutely amazing and you almost need a whole weekend to even see half of it. Sadly the next day I would lose my iphone in a taxi getting out at the Mall so my opinion of the place has dropped slightly...but lesson learned, always double check when getting out of a taxi. And yes for my friends reading this who know how obsessed I am with my phone I did spend a few hours crying over it...

On Sunday my training started and once again I was thinking oh my gosh what am I doing this is insane but by the third day I finally felt relaxed, at home and I am really lucky to have amazing batchmates that all get along really well so that definitely helps. I also live next door to 3 girls in my batch which is great too. After a crazy busy induction week learning about the company and what training will be like it was finally the weekend (TGIThursday!) Our training group decided to head to Barasti Beach Thursday night and it was so fun to see people out of the training uniform and looking more like themselves, it was almost hard to recognize some people. The next 2 days were spent on the beaches with my new friends trying to work on our tans. I have to say the beaches here might be my favorite thing. They are AMAZING. Beautiful white sand, clear warm water and a nice breeze so you don't die of heat getting a tan. It's still hard to believe I can go to them whenever I want for the next few years (after the crazy 6 weeks of training of course).

Overall it has been an eye opening experience and I am so happy and thankful I was able to get this job and live out a dream for a few years. I have met some great people who I can tell I will stay friends with for a long time and they've helped make this transition so much easier. Tomorrow I start my SEP training and although I've heard alot about how intense it is I'm excited to start learning and get one step closer to flying and travelling all over the world! Wish me luck! And for any new joiners reading this, yes it is stressful and scary the first few days, don't expect it to be easy right away but after a few days the homesickness will go away little by little and you will get more use to everything. You will meet some amazing people and have alot of fun too so try not to worry too much before you come :)

Goodbye breakfast with my wonderful parents (Yes mom I miss you both) 

View from my balcony

My lovely friends before Barasti Beach

Beach day by the Burj Al Arab

Mosque visit

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Where in the world is T Wolf...

Woof. I am currently laying in bed enjoying some down time after the hectic past 72 hours I've had; 14 hours of flights home from Netherlands and packing/doing all my last minute errands in the past 48 hours before leaving tomorrow! I spent the past 4 weeks in Aruba and the Netherlands and had the best time! It was so nice to see my Aruba friends and family one last time. Before that I got to see most of my friends and say goodbye to them (Reba Rice we'll reunite in Vegas soon) Here's my last month and a half in pictures:

First my beautiful, funny, smart, big booty friend Kelli picked me up on her way to Boise and we spent the weekend with our other beautiful, funny, smart friend Brittany on her way home from spring break in and Kelli ventured out to the downtown on our own and celebrated St. Patty's day with some whiskey shots and lots of beer.

And just to prove how much she loves me:

Then I went back to Idaho for one last crazy weekend in the dirty filled with cupcakes, brownies, 40s, trying to walk dogs, watching freshman puke in restaurants and watching terrible scary movies. One of my favorite weekends I've had there! 
My wittle child Warden

Muh hood bes fran

We had our sassy pants on

Then I jetted off to One Happy Island and got the sunburn of a lifetime and celebrated Easter with some colored jello shots and way too much beer and delicious food (thanks again Janice!!) 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Waiting, waiting and more waiting...

Since my last post I've finished all my medicals, received final approval and found out who my trainer is! I joined the Facebook group for people joining Emirates in April/May and it's sooo helpful. It's a nice way to meet others in your group and ask questions if you don't know something, I definitely recommend joining! Since receiving FA it's just been a waiting game which I HATE.. I did not get a job upon coming home from Aruba in December so I've been filling my time traveling around to visit my sister, future brother-in-law and nephew in Texas, throwing my best friend's bachelorette party in Las Vegas and attend her wedding in Seattle, and a visit to family in Oregon to say goodbye before I leave since I won't get another chance. It's definitely prepared me for a hectic life flying since I've been on almost 30 different flights in the past few months!! Here's what I've been doing the last few months:

Visiting friends back at school

My nephew Karsten :) HE'S SO CUTE

Crazy fun weekend in Vegas

Tri Delta bridesmaids 

My favorite little peruvian Brinny 

Besides that I've been working some at my dad's office, working out, watching Netflix (I am completely obsessed with Downton Abbey and The Tudors now) and reading up on as many things as I can about Dubai!! I've found quite a few other cabin crew members with blogs and it's so fun to read them and see what my life will be like in just 44 days!! Thankfully I have enough money from selling my car last week that I'm going to be able to go on a month long trip before I leave to visit people, so I won't be completely useless for much longer. One week in Aruba to see my best friend and soak up the sun, then a few weeks in the Netherlands to see my boyfriend and my other Dutch friends from Aruba. I can't wait!! And I just bought an actual camera today so I'll have plenty more pictures from those trips to share when I get back. Only 14 days until I leave for Aruba/Netherlands then back for 2 days then I LEAVE FOR DUBAI!!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Start of my new life!

Hello! For my friends and family that are reading this you know that I've accepted a job as a cabin crew member in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (not in India as some people think :) ) and will be leaving for it on April 25th! Words can't even describe how excited and lucky I am to have this opportunity for such an amazing job that will allow me to travel the world, live abroad and meet so many new people. It's been my dream to travel and see the world ever since I was little and  had my Uncle sending me postcards about his travels around the world for his job. I remember it being the highlight of my week to receive those postcards and now it's my turn to see the world too!! This is especially exciting for somebody like me who comes from a very small town and has never really had the opportunity to travel. So enjoy my probably all too often over enthusiastic blogs about my new life for the next 3 years :) Here's just a few pictures to help everybody picture where I'll be living soon, ciao dushis!

65 days :))))